Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Speaking On The 2012 National Election

SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! A Disgraceful Exhibition of Flagrant Ignorance and Irresponsible Behavior.

Now we will have four more years of a failing economy and incompetent leadership, while the hopes for a generation of American exceptionalism are condemned to the trash bin of history and our capacity for honor and integrity are reduced to an insufferable acceptance of mediocrity.

My country is now diminished and lost to the blind fools of self-serving propaganda, bitterness, hate and resentment --- Instead of aspiring to the greatness of self-sacrificing achievement and enrichment granted by a higher calling.

If we cannot, or will not, help ourselves ... then May God Help Us All!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Immigration: Taking Sides: One Man's Opinion

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Where Should Barack Obama Go?

Monday, June 05, 2006

What Happened to the Character of Leadership?

Here I am. I'm fifty-five years of age. I was brought up to respect authority; for purposes here, my federal government and the elected officials that represent us in Washington. And I'm disgusted. What must our children think?

Our 'alleged' leadership, it seems, is busier fighting amongst itself, often to the detriment of the nation, than addressing the serious nature of the nation's issues.

A few moments ago, I had just finished writing letters to my "Honorable..." Senators in support of a debate position --- when I started thinking, "What would I do as a congressman?" Sadly, I realized that I wouldn't have any part of it; being such a low-life with so little respect from my constituency. A dog catcher gets more respect these days.

And deservedly so!

Why? Because the country's citizenry knows what's going on and what needs to be done. Yet our poor representation in Washington doesn't 'get it'. And worse, they don't seem to care. Could it also be that they simply don't have the conviction of belief in our republic's values?

They repeatedly compromise the same values that we, as a nation, espouse so proudly. The result? They haven't earned our respect.

It's these same elected officials whom have the duty to convincingly make the hard decisions, and take the proper actions that serve the interests of the American nation. They have the duty to lead, even when leadership requires doing what is not popular.

Our representatives: congressional, judiciary and executive can learn a lesson from our dog catchers. Unlike the "Honorable" Senator, Dog Catcher is a truly honorable position. Hard working individuals earn their position and our respect in society doing this and other needed, necessary and often unpopular jobs.

Those representing us in government service can put the honor back in "Honorable" by putting the character of conviction back into their roles of leadership, which is duly expected of them.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

"The Congress shall have power to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States."

So! Here we are, once again, meeting amongst the thorny hedgerows of national politics debating Amendment 1 of the U.S. Constitution; the right of the individual to the free exercise of "expression" as defined in our nation's Bill of Rights. More specifically, as in the form of the latest proposed House of Representatives amendment, also the title of this article, and the right to burn the American flag.

While listening to talk radio I found one seemingly innocuous point commonly overlooked: Why we are considering such an amendment in the first place.

It was unthinkable, not so many years ago, that the sentiment of the American citizenry would find it necessary to legislate respect for the principles on which this great nation was founded, and the symbols which represent them.

What has become of a people where the societal condition reflects a deteriorating lack of patriotic values? Values once deeply rooted in our communion by virtue of the individual patriot. But so it now seems that the "patriot" no longer lives, for we are more greatly becoming a class of divisible personage with only self-regard for one's immediate gratification.

Just as some pols on the one hand plaudit fraudulent and contemptible impudence toward our patriotic struggle against our global enemies, we the people whom substantiate and protect our freedoms by our demonstration, or shameless lack thereof, are equally guilty of their oppression; hereby resulting in such shameful exercise.

Culpable are the many whom hide behind the Stars and Stripes, when they should be waving them with vigor.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Arrogance of It All

It's a shameful exhibition of political thievery - stealing the focus, for political gain, from the family and loved ones of a vulnerable victim. Such flaming disregard for good taste, manners and ethical responsibility is akin to abuse of a corpse; except that the poor woman at the center of controversy and gamesmanship isn't even dead yet.

And with mindless abandon, once again, they and we, miss the whole point. The reckless arguing over emotionally derived opinion does nothing to address the realities of material debate. Taking sides and attempting to establish rhetorical blame, especially where there is little true blame to be likely found, serves no useful purpose. It neither serves society nor the pitifully innocent object of our passion.

So just where do I get off lambasting everyone partaking of such energy consuming exercises? What is it that I see that so many seem to overlook or ignore in their frenzy?

My point is that this current event is nothing more than just that; an opportunity to vent over what most feel, if not believe, is out of their control. And to a limited extent they are correct. But their words and irresponsible actions serve no purpose. Such a waste. The underlying issue is that our society hasn't defined the ethics necessary to govern our technology. And until we have done so nothing will change. Our society will continue to rage in disbelief and misunderstanding without ever addressing the needs of the victims and the ones whom care for them.

My sympathies obviously aren't with the self-serving bellicose crowds who stand to resolve little; but with the woman lying in wait for respect.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

To The People of Afghanistan & Iraq

CONGRATULATIONS! You have now participated in your nations' first free and democratic elections. And, in doing so, you have taken the first steps toward taking control of your future, your personal and national destiny.

As an American I may not fully appreciate your culture or your history --- but I do know that we have our rights as individuals, our freedom, in common. And a distinctive perspective, a reflection, that you are only beginning to envision for yourselves.

Like you, Americans have undergone a remarkable struggle to define themselves. Our ancestors fought and died throughout our history to provide, assure and guarantee the freedoms we now so warmly cherish; often at the hands of those we now call our friends and allies. This heritage, for all free peoples, is not only a heritage of the past but our legacy for the future. Freedom loving and democratic principled people of the world all appreciate that theirs is a daily struggle to protect and defend what so many contemptible tyrants would gladly take away.

Regardless of the pseudo differences our detractors may create between us, do not be blinded by them. The American people are celebrating, with you, your newly-won independence. They are praying for your future success. Nothing heartens the people of this nation more than the sight of others, once bound by the chains of totalitarianism, free and independent...and exercising their individual rights to cast their ballots in the name of Liberty.